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The Emissary

Reverend Robert Whitehead

When first meeting Reverend Whitehead, a person is struck by his calm and gentle manner. He is tall, has light brown hair with an errant lock of hair falling over one eye. His deep blue eyes hide years of pain. Not even his wife, Caroline, knows the depth of this pain. Robert never knew his… Read More »Reverend Robert Whitehead

Character: Tony Charelle

Tony Charelle is evil in human form: a pleasing human form. He is charming and handsome, tall, athletic, olive complexion and hair always styled in the latest fashion. His startling pale brown eyes, almost opaque, spark dangerously when angered or challenged. He is attractive, and attracted, to both women and men and is fond of… Read More »Character: Tony Charelle

Where to Buy

GOOD NEWS The Emissary is now available for purchase at Bryan Prince Bookseller in Westdale  (Hamilton), and have a great day.

Introducing Backstories

Hello to readers of The Emissary and those curious about this blog. With this blog I’d like to give you the backstories of the characters filling you in on their histories and personalities. Some characters are important to the central plot of The Emissary while others develop importance as the plot unfolds. The home base… Read More »Introducing Backstories