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The Interloper


After writing The Emissary, I took another look at the character of Tony Charelle and his ability to travel through time. If evil could travel through time, why not the ordinary spirit? I began thinking about beliefs that encourage a belief in the soul/spirit being transported to another dimension upon death to a paradise, of sorts, I suppose, assuring people their soul/spirit  never dies. These souls/spirits simply morph thereby giving… Read More »THOUGHTS ON WRITING THE INTERLOPER

book signing

had another great time with Indigo on Stonechurch Road in Stoney Creek on Sunday, march 8th. the weather cooperated with cool temps but SUNSHINE and the store had folks coming and going all afternoon. All of my books sold well with particularly interest being shown in The Interloper. I appreciated all of the people stopping by to chat with me and appreciated the helpful staff at Indigo. Thanks Miranda. This… Read More »book signing

Update on first book signing of 2020. February 8th.

After many cloudy, rainy or cold days, the sun finally came out on the Saturday of my book signing at Indigo in Ancaster. People were smiling and in a good mood. Indigo was very busy with many folks dropping by to check out the latest publications and have a coffee at Starbucks. The book signing was well attended and questions were asked not only about the books but writing/publishing in… Read More »Update on first book signing of 2020. February 8th.


Here’s a thought for the readers on your Christmas list. Why not get them a book meant to not only entertain but something for them to think about? Yes, I know, books are such a personal thing but there are readers, like myself, who enjoy a variety of genres and benefit from the writing perspectives of different authors. I recommend for first time readers of my books, perhaps The Interloper.… Read More »CHRISTMAS IS COMING


Tony Charelle is the protagonist who appears in all three novels. He is my last character for a back story. In England in the mid-1600’s, a young girl, the mistress of a wealthy man, died in childbirth. The midwife took the baby boy home thereby enlarging her brood of orphaned children. As the child grew, the other boys introduced him into the culture of street life. Highly intelligent, cunning and… Read More »BACK STORY – TONY CHARELLE


Junee McKnight was the youngest child in a large family. Her mother, Rita, and father, Larry, married in their teens when Rita became pregnant. Both sets of parents disowned their children for bringing shame on their families. Larry quit school and found a factory job. Rita, a young, pregnant girl, also quit school and stayed home trying to manage a household while awaiting the birth of her first child. Larry… Read More »BACK STORY – JUNEE MCKNIGHT


I have just ordered another run of The Emissary. Thank you to the readers who purchased copies of not only The Emissary but The Interloper as well. Hope you enjoyed reading them. I am working hard on writing the third, and last, novel about the little village of Newcombe. The novel is still untitled but… Read More »GOOD NEWS

book signing

Had a great book signing at Indigo in Ancaster on the 12th of January. Met interesting readers and chatted with lots of folks. Am currently working on my third novel which will finish the trilogy of The Emissary and The Interloper. Hope to be ready in late spring or early summer.

BACK STORY – Madelaine

Madelaine was a young woman of the early 1900’s. She, her sister and parents lived on an estate in the Cotswolds, England. She led a privileged life while she waited for her father and his business associates to choose a husband for her. It was a marriage arranged for business purposes. Her father saw nothing… Read More »BACK STORY – Madelaine


Elly Norman is the child of divorced parents. She is loved and adored by her mother and grandparents. After her parents divorced she never saw her father, Brian, and felt ignored and abandoned. The little girl felt the abandonment deeply and hid her hurt and pain behind smiles and impish behaviour. As she entered her… Read More »BACK STORY – ELLY NORMAN