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The Sand Clock is now available

Well, it’s finally done. The Sand Clock is now available in eBook and in paper. it’s been a long haul for me, mostly because i kept nitpicking at my words and my computer throwing the occasional hissy fit – just to let me know technology is still in charge!

The Sand Clock is based on the lives of three elderly women born in the early 1900’s now living in a retirement home in the early 1990’s. It honours their strength, courage and dignity in their struggle for survival. The characters also comment on aging in a youth-oriented society. As one character puts it, “We are not born old!”

I had the pleasure of knowing these women and chatting with them (and their families) thru the years. When I decided to write The Sand Clock, I felt they represented the lives of some women of that era. I wrote about events in their lives and created the background around the events. The third character, Augie, is the combined story of two women.

The Sand Clock is timely in that there is more emphasis now on the lives of the elderly. I wanted people to understand that people of today are not so different from people of that era. We all need to be heard, respected and understood.

My thanks, once again, to the incredible staff at TRIMATRIX Management Consulting, Inc. ya’ll’s good folks!