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Thomas Whitehead

Thomas is the only child of a minister and his wife, Robert and Caroline Whitehead. Ministers were poorly paid and life in the manse was a constant struggle. He was dearly loved by both parents and spoiled with love by his mother.

As a young teen, he began questioning the believability of an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful God. His parents despaired at this lack of acceptance of religious teachings and feared for his future. His father, as minister, was devastated when unable to reach, and teach, Thomas his religious beliefs. Thomas also questioned his mother about life and morality, in general. His mother, despite being the daughter of a minister, answered his questions objectively and honestly.

Thomas considered himself a loner despite being surrounded by acquaintances. He once told his mother, “I really don’t understand the concept of the word ‘friend’. I love you and dad but don’t really care about anyone else.

Thomas grew into an attractive, charming and likeable man. He was intelligent, well educated and personable. All qualities he used to his advantage.

His view of people and lack of compassion for them and his atheist views made him prime picking when the emissary came calling.