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book signing

had another great time with Indigo on Stonechurch Road in Stoney Creek on Sunday, march 8th. the weather cooperated with cool temps but SUNSHINE and the store had folks coming and going all afternoon. All of my books sold well with particularly interest being shown in The Interloper. I appreciated all of the people stopping by to chat with me and appreciated the helpful staff at Indigo. Thanks Miranda. This… Read More »book signing

Update on first book signing of 2020. February 8th.

After many cloudy, rainy or cold days, the sun finally came out on the Saturday of my book signing at Indigo in Ancaster. People were smiling and in a good mood. Indigo was very busy with many folks dropping by to check out the latest publications and have a coffee at Starbucks. The book signing was well attended and questions were asked not only about the books but writing/publishing in… Read More »Update on first book signing of 2020. February 8th.

This website shares stories of older people who have created new lives for themselves. It was suggested that I tell you my story and so here goes. I graduated from university with an Honours degree in English when I was 60. At 74, I wrote and self-published a novel, The Emissary. At 75, I wrote The Interloper and at 76, I completed the trilogy with The Emissary’s Endgame. My books… Read More »


Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year. I am off once again with several book signings lined up for the new year. My first one will be at the Indigo book store in Ancaster on Saturday, February 8th. There is a super coffee shop in Indigo sooooo why not grab a coffee, browse the stacks and drop by and say hello. Hope to see you there. Take care.… Read More »SAVE THE DATE


I wish every reader of my blog a happy and peaceful Christmas. May the new year be calm (if that is what you wish), prosperous (if that is what you are working toward) but, most of all, never forget, we all have our personal battles, so I wish you strength of character, patience and kindness. May  2020 be good for you and that you continue to flourish. Take care. Erica


Here’s a thought for the readers on your Christmas list. Why not get them a book meant to not only entertain but something for them to think about? Yes, I know, books are such a personal thing but there are readers, like myself, who enjoy a variety of genres and benefit from the writing perspectives of different authors. I recommend for first time readers of my books, perhaps The Interloper.… Read More »CHRISTMAS IS COMING


Yesterday our local newspaper, The Glanbrook Gazette, published an interview with Tamara Botting. If you would like to read it, pls go to my Facebook or Instagram. I am grateful for her time.  

Langdon Hall, Cambridge

Spent a couple of days with the artist who created the book covers, my granddaughter, Elyse. Time spent with adult grandchildren is so very important. We relate not as older person to younger person but as equals. Lots of laughter. It was simply two women enjoying each other’s company and shared history. The staff at Langdon Hall were absolutely the best. The whole environment was one of relaxation, gourmet food… Read More »Langdon Hall, Cambridge

News article link Books also available on and eBooks on Indigo, Kobo and Kindle. Article by Tamara Bottig of the Sachem News. Thank  you.


Tony Charelle is the protagonist who appears in all three novels. He is my last character for a back story. In England in the mid-1600’s, a young girl, the mistress of a wealthy man, died in childbirth. The midwife took the baby boy home thereby enlarging her brood of orphaned children. As the child grew, the other boys introduced him into the culture of street life. Highly intelligent, cunning and… Read More »BACK STORY – TONY CHARELLE