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Website Update for 2022

Moving forward into 2022, website has undergone updates, including the removal of the eCommerce feature that allowed users to securely purchase Erica’s books via the website. With Erica Neale’s books available worldwide on Amazon, users can purchase and enjoy the books directly from the Amazon origin of their respective country. Minor tweaks and adjustments have also been made in the back-end, which provides a clean and easy-to-navigate interface. Any… Read More »Website Update for 2022


As I write this, the sun is shining and the temperature is a balmy 4C. Wind is picking up. We all know weather can change quickly and we will be plunged into cold wind, freezing temperatures (winter coat, hat and scarf, fuzzy gloves and warm boots weather!). Grey, scudding clouds suddenly cover the sun. But, no matter, we are used to winters. Many of us will bundle up and go… Read More »DECEMBER, AH BEAUTIFUL, UNPREDICTABLE DECEMBER


After writing The Emissary, I took another look at the character of Tony Charelle and his ability to travel through time. If evil could travel through time, why not the ordinary spirit? I began thinking about beliefs that encourage a belief in the soul/spirit being transported to another dimension upon death to a paradise, of sorts, I suppose, assuring people their soul/spirit  never dies. These souls/spirits simply morph thereby giving… Read More »THOUGHTS ON WRITING THE INTERLOPER


Just a quick peek on the back of the cover of The Emissary and then I will go into a bit more background. So…. here I go. The Emissary takes place during WW2 and spans several generations. It is a supernatural/thriller/mystery. An emissary of Satan (Tony Charelle) visits the small village of Newcombe in south-western Ontario. His mission is to capture the soul of its minister, the Reverend Robert Whitehead.… Read More »THOUGHTS ON WRITING THE EMISSARY


We are still battling COVID and now are in our fourth wave of this pandemic. BIG SIGH! Really, what is there to say? Well, as it so happens, plenty! Let’s look at our leadership.  COVID has pointed out the inability of our elected officials (leaders) to cope, or acknowledge the possibility of, a coming Canada-wide medical emergency. Despite events  happening in countries around the world and scientists warning of a… Read More »MUSINGS DURING COVID – 4


CITIZENSHIP Citizenship, to me, means more than belonging to a country (and the benefits that go along with citizenship). I believe not only does a country have a duty to its citizens but we have a duty to our country and to people who live within  our country.  One aspect of citizenship is taking responsibility for our behaviour: our personal responsibility toward the health and welfare of others. Citizenship bestows… Read More »MUSINGS DURING COVID – 3


BE AN ORIGINAL Some people live in the shadow of others. Some people live in their own sunlight. Then there are people who live in the twilight. They live their lives through the thoughts and ideas of others passing them off as their own. They have not fully developed their own identity. They are cut-outs of people they wish they could be. Lost. Develop your own personality. Personal growth is… Read More »MUSINGS DURING COVID – 2


After writing The Sand Clock, I sat back and really thought about my mortality. It is one thing to write about the lives of others but a totally different thing to seriously think about your own. So…… I sat down and wrote a few thoughts. The Ladder of Life Whether we know it or not, we are all standing on the ladder of life. When we are born, we are… Read More »MUSINGS DURING COVID -1


As with Barbara and Milly, Augie is not the woman’s real name. The character of Augie is the blending of the lives of  two women. The ‘first Augie’ gives a brief glimpse into her mother’s life. It was the 1800’s. Her mother was born into an impoverished farm family. The wealthy land owner’s son offered them food and fuel for the family until the child was of age. The parents… Read More »BACKSTORY – Augie


I met Milly and her family many years ago. Milly, not her real name, of course, was the oldest of seven children. All of her brothers were in the military. When she was a young woman, Milly was a candidate to be a teacher. Once again, all names are pseudonyms. Milly was a pretty, dark haired, young woman. She was shy, not particularly outgoing and somewhat naive. When she was… Read More »BACKSTORY – Milly