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I would like to offer my thoughts on ‘the invisibles’ within our society. ‘The invisibles’ are people who are being deliberately ignored. Unfortunately, in some ways, we have developed into a society of ‘them/us’ originating out of ignorance and resulting in fear, hatred and prejudice where kindness, compassion and understanding can be in short supply. In fact, society comprises not only of ‘the invisibles’ but also ‘the unteachables’. The ‘unteachables’… Read More »THE INVISIBLES


Over the past couple of months, I attended the funeral of an old friend. I also witnessed the marriage of a much loved family member. Weddings and funerals are a rite of passage not just a celebration of life. Weddings are joyous events. Guests share in the celebration of the marriage of two people embracing their love and hope for a positive future. At first thought, funerals are an entirely… Read More »WEDDINGS and FUNERALS

2023 GONE

So, 2023 is now gone. For some folks 2023 proved to be an endurance test and is now, big sigh of relief, gone. Others found 2023 to be an “interesting” year. There were job changes, relocations, marriages or divorces, births and deaths – a typical year! Why not do a personal review of this past year? Let’s be honest. Is there ever such a thing as a perfect year? Every… Read More »2023 GONE


Someone once wrote, “friendship, like the flight of birds, cannot be put into written words”. I am privileged to have both female and male friendships. The word, friendship, can be difficult to describe. There are many kinds of friendships. Some friendships can last a lifetime; others are transient. I believe people come into our lives for a reason. When the purpose (originally unknown to us) has been achieved, some stay;… Read More »FRIENDSHIP


It’s been a while since I posted. Here goes. As I watch world, federal, provincial and local politics, all I can think is OMG! (You realize I am being exceptionally polite). Will this ever change – whatever ‘this’ is? As my dear Pop used to tell me “The ordinary person can’t change anything. People with the money, have the power. They don’t live by the same rules as the rest of… Read More »UPDATE


Well, here we are again. Another year is nearly over heralded by the coming of Christmas in a few days. Let’s take a step back and look at what is supposed to be a joyous time of the year. First, let me look at “shopping” which often turns out to be more of a chore than enjoyment. Watching folks rush around overcrowded shopping malls after driving around a half hour… Read More »CHRISTMAS 2022


Feeling rather philosophical lately. In a few weeks I will reach four score. I now completely understand when ‘old folks’ say, “how did I get this old this fast?” That cold draft I felt blowing across my shoulders was time! Time used to be an abstract but as the years flew by, the word ‘time’  took on an almost physical presence.  As we age, we slowly begin to notice changes… Read More »A COLD DRAFT


Why not you? Why not me? If you think about it, many of us have experiences in our lives that are fascinating, scary or moments in time that teach us lessons. Often, these events are shared with those closest to us. For some folks, writing about them is a way of remembering. For many of us, unless we write things down, they disappear into the ozone layer never to be… Read More »WRITE? WHO? ME?

YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK — or can you?

Several weeks ago I returned to “Newcombe” to visit the old village which was the background for both Emissary books. During the long Covid isolation, I began reading The Emissary and the Emissary’s Endgame and decided I needed to return to the village of all those childhood memories. We drove through “Newcombe” down the village’s main street and across the old steel bridge, before turning back. The old saying of… Read More »YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK — or can you?

The Supernatural

As you can see by the titles of three of my novels: The Emissary, The Emissary’s Endgame and The Interloper, I have an interest in the supernatural or, perhaps in less dramatic terms, events that are unexplainable. My terrified characters are unwitting players in events not of their own making.   In my novels, there are episodes that defy human logic and experience. Characters are forced to acknowledge the challenge to… Read More »The Supernatural