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Easter 2021 isn’t much different from Easter 2020. COVID-19 is still here and during the past year, she brought “her sisters”.  The Province of Ontario is again in lockdown and now for the month of April. So my greeting for everyone is, truly, have an enjoyable Easter because we still  have things for which to be grateful: the people we have around us and that many of us are still… Read More »EASTER 2021


  Let me say, first of all, my real characters have been kept anonymous.  Barbara, the first character in The Sand Clock, was a determined, feisty woman and her attitude, when young was, I-will-do-as I-like. I met the real Barbara when she was in her  mid-sixties. She was the type of woman who held the family together with Christmas and/or New Year’s Eve parties. Early in her marriage, she was… Read More »BACKSTORY – Barbara


Good morning on this March 20, first day of spring for 2021. A quick update on The Sand Clock. In the next couple of days, I will be writing a backstory for Barbara, Millie and Augie. I will offer a bit more personal information on the three women which will give the reader a better understanding of the times in which they were born.  Barbara, Millie and Augie exhibited courage… Read More »HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING

Mid-February update

hello and good afternoon. Just a brief note to wish those of you who celebrate Valentine’s Day a peaceful, enjoyable and kind day. With so much negativity in and around our lives at this time, perhaps this is the day to reflect on past February 14s with a small smile or, in some cases, a groan. Remembering other years will remind us that this period in our lives will eventually… Read More »Mid-February update

The Sand Clock is now available

Well, it’s finally done. The Sand Clock is now available in eBook and in paper. it’s been a long haul for me, mostly because i kept nitpicking at my words and my computer throwing the occasional hissy fit – just to let me know technology is still in charge! The Sand Clock is based on the lives of three elderly women born in the early 1900’s now living in a… Read More »The Sand Clock is now available


My latest novel, The Sand Clock, is now in the hands of TRIMATRIX Management Consulting, Inc.  for editing and printing. The novel is about the lives of three elderly women who meet in a retirement home. They share the stories of their lives and, most importantly, their views on old age what it means to be an elderly woman in today’s society. The novel is based on conversations I have… Read More »COMING SOON THE SAND CLOCK


TRIMATRIX Management Consulting, Inc. , the management company who steers me through the publishing world, is now on INSTAGRAM. Why not check them out and see what information and guidance they offer authors and readers. I am fortunate to be featured along with other authors affiliated with TRIMATRIX Management Consulting, Inc.  Great company.


It’s been a while since I have been on my blog. No excuses! Now that COVID-19 looks like it is settling in for the summer, (perhaps longer!!) I thought I would write a brief update. We survived the last two weeks of February, March, April and the second last week of May in isolation. The remainder of my book signings were, of course, cancelled. A couple of months ago, I… Read More »UPDATE —NEW NOVEL

Death notice of a quiet, anonymous and much loved woman.

When I was a VERY young girl, I met my cousin, Gertrude. She was 24. She and her parents had just arrived from Germany and came to live with my parents until they could get settled. I never saw a more beautiful creature! She was a tall, slender young woman with the most amazing face, blue eyes and mane of red hair! She was a daughter who became a wife… Read More »Death notice of a quiet, anonymous and much loved woman.


I want to express my gratitude to those serving on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19. You all, from all health professionals, fire, police, border patrol, transportation workers, commercial workers, ALL OF YOU, for putting yourselves directly in the line of fire to assist those of us who are, hopefully, staying isolated in our homes. To those of you who are with your families because your places of… Read More »GRATITUDE